Wednesday, December 19, 2007

shovels and wovels

I have been meaning to name our Co-op association's janitors/groundskeepers as heroes. I have never complained about the monthly assessments because honestly it feels like a great deal considering it includes all utilities, property taxes, and janitorial services. But after this weekend I feel like our money is really being put to good use. After our large snowfall the other day, I expected the driveways to be plowed and of course, they were. But I did not expect to find a path shoveled between each residence's car cleared. After three winters of Chicago street parking I became accustomed to keeping a shovel in my trunk, always having to dig my car out or dig out a new spot to park. After several inches of snowfall my shovel is still dry and unused in our storage unit. I cannot believe how much work these guys do around here. I hear the snowblowers and shovels going constantly. They are real heroes. If I could afford to do so, I would buy them wovels.

Which leads me to my next hero: my big brother Aaron. He is doing all he can to promote one of the best inventions of recent years. See him in action here.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Today's hero is the person who came up with the Verizon commercial in which a girl actually gets a pony for Christmas. For anyone who's ever had a pony you know the commercial is right on. Ponies are not the greatest pet, and can even be a little scary. That said, I still miss you Checkers, I hope they didn't make you into glue.

Friday, December 14, 2007


This is one of my rare opportunities to name myself my hero of the day. I bowled my first ever Turkey. Gobble Gobble Gobble. I officially accomplished my '07 New Years Resolution.

mmmmm pumpkin

Today's hero is whomever created the Gnocchi di Zucca dish at Omaggio. My god it is delicious.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Yay for getting last minute projects done efficiently!

Today's hero is Survey Monkey, a fast free service on the introweb. It saved my life today.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It's been far too long. . .

So it has been a while since I have had an encounter or observation powerful enough to make me want to blog about it. While watching WGN morning news I caught the helicopter shot that happened to be panning over the landscape where someone had drawn a giant penis in the snow. If this was an accident, then wow, the oblivious cameraman or film editors are my heroes. If it was done on purpose, kudos still. Right now I feel like I am thirteen years old, because this amused me all day. You can view the video, although it is of poor quality, on youtube.