Saturday, November 18, 2006


Today Sean and I went to see For Your Consideration, which was fabulous. What made it even funnier though, was the woman sleeping next to Sean who was snoring so loud people next to her were kicking her chair and shaking her to wake her up. Then after the movie she stood up and announced, to nobody, that she had to go to the washroom.

Friday, November 17, 2006

A day and a year after the great american smoke out. . .

Today's hero is my good buddy John, who quit smoking a year ago today. Congrats!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Oh, Deer

Sometimes animals can be heroes too. I've seen and heard a lot of crazy deer stories lately.

Last week I was in Des Moines for my grandfather's funeral and deer ran into a Target. He ran up to the building, the automatic doors opened, he entered and browsed a while. The workers coralled him out, I beleive the deer was fine.

Then I just heard from one of my instructors that there was a deer in my neighborhood. (Keep in mind I live in Chicago, Chicago proper, not the 'burbs, outside my window is the Sears tower and out my other window is Lake Michigan, not a lot of woods around here either). Apparently he was walking down the street when he saw some commotion up the block. A cop car came on over the megaphone and asked someone walking their dog to move out of the way. Behind the woman and her dog was a buck running down the sidewalk.


A more common wildlife experience in my parts involve squirrels, they're pretty tough. A few months back my boyfriend was walking toward my place to come visit and he actually had to yield to a squirrel on the sidewalk because it would not budge and was glaring maniacally at him. Sean actually crossed the street to avoid confrontation.

A couple weeks ago I was walking to my car and there was a squirrel drinking from standing water on a manhole cover and I thought, "how cute." Half a block later there was a squirrel drinking from a beer can.

At least she's willing to admit it. . .

Smoking Hipster Chick on Congress: "I can't really tell the difference because I'm always a bitch."

I wish I had heard the rest of that conversation, but really that was enough.